Friday, February 5, 2010

This progress deserves a prog-Frappuccino!

What a week it has been! The dreary cold of the outside has forced me to stay indoors and create new calorie concoctions. I feel like Edwin Land- thats how much I have been inventing! But unlike Land, I will not be shaking it like a Polaroid picture. All these fat molecules are staying on these bones. This week I experimented specifically with the Frappe, or milkshake as you non-new englanders would call it.

Monday: The Standard
3 scoops Brigham's vanilla ice cream
1c Whole milk
5 T Nesquick powder
2 c Ice
Blend in a blender until real blendy. Top with whipped cream and enjoy- although you don't need to tell me that last part!

Tuesday: The Impending Snow Storm
3 scoops Coconut Ice Cream
1/2 c Chocolate flakes
3 T Marshmallows in the shape of shovels
1 t Fireplace smelling liquor
Blend well then pour on front steps to stop ice buildup.

Wednesday: The Greek (Like the second season of the Wire!!!)
3 scoops plain Frozen Yogurt
1/4 c Cucumber
1 T Dill
3 T Lemon Juice
1 T Olive Oil
1 c Ice
Blend like you need to cover up a terrible crime ring by cutting up a perfectly nice Polish dock worker and tossing him into the Chesapeake Bay!

Thursday: The Sandra Bullock Oscar Nomination
3 scoops Ice Cream
2-3 c whatever the hell you can find in your kitchen that looks pretty but doesn't necessarily have any nutritional substance or flavor
1 c Ice
Blend like nothing makes sense anymore. Except for Miss Congeniality.

Friday: The Massachusetts Republican Senator
3 scoops Strawberry Ice Cream
1/2 c Peanut Butter
1/4 c Chocolate Chips
1/4 c Ritz Crackers
1 c Ice
Blend until the taste is perfect THEN THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW.

Of course, those last directions are just goofing! In frappe week you have to drink all the frappes and NOTHING but them all day every day. This was my best week yet!

Weight: 185

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