Sunday, January 31, 2010

And then a Gyro comes along

If there's anything I learned from the second season of Dexter, its that you need to have a sponsor when going through a twelve step program. And like Dexter, I'm using this support group method to beat something other than drug abuse. While he was trying to deal with his rampant murdering, I'm trying to deal with eating a lot of food.

The perfect sponsor is someone who has been where you have and conquered their goal. This is why I am reaching out to fellow heavy eater, Morgan Spurlock from Hollywood's Super Size Me. I didn't have time to actually see the movie, so I quickly scanned the wikipedia page and I think we'll be a real good fit. Our sponsorship will be symbiotic. We will guide each other to our goals. For me, its 470 pounds, for him, its probably a TV deal on a real network (unlike FX).

I chose Spurlock for two other reasons. First, I have met him before. When I was just a wee college student working as an intern at a fancy shmancy hotel downtown, he asked me where the ballroom was. And I told him! That kind of bond was just setting the foundation for what will be my most important relationship! You need trust as well as support. Secondly, with the connections he has at McDonalds, I'm secretly hoping we can become unofficial mascots and make up our own Super Value Meal! We'll call it Succeed Meal! It will have every burger on the menu wrapped up into an extra large fajita and deep fried! My mouth is watering as I type.

If anyone happens to have his email address, Id really appreciate it.

Weight: 179


  1. Don't put all your choclate eggs in one basket! Consider Eddie Murphy as Sherman Kuump. After all he put on a lot of weight for several of his movies, The Nutty Professor I & II. What about Robin Williams as Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire! Surely they would understand your plight. (And they rake in the gelt!)

  2. I love your writing! you are hillarious!
    You are amazing!
    I'll try to get his email for you!
    This is just all too important!
