Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Not a good time to get sick, or is it?

My immune system is apparently vacationing somewhere in the Caribbean (hopefully helping to rebuild Haiti) because I am sick! My poor olfactory glands are causing my delicious food to lose its flavor. And these decongestants are slowing my appetite! The common cold is becoming my common enemy.

However, I have found a few sugar-coated linings on my dreary cotton candy cloud of snot. First of all, Im bedridden! Yay! Ill lose fewer calories from walking and moving up and down stairs. I have also recruited my roommates to pay for my delivery food and serve it to me in bed- like a romantic movie!

It has been almost a week now with the bed and I'm getting to know it a little better. At one REM filled moment last night, I kicked my sheets off my comfy fortress! (It was that reoccurring dream about wading in an above-ground pool filled with guinea pigs.) I laid there freezing in my jamjams just wishing I were covered in a thicker layer of blubber to keep me warm. The thoughts of that day coming soon kept my spirits up through the night, and kept my mind of my chilly toes. Chilly toes... Chilitos... Chilitos: Chili Flavored Tortilla Chips! Genius! Everyone mark your calendar that today is the historic day that I created Chilitos!

Secondly, it turns out that cough syrup at 15 calories per teaspoon! Thats more that Coca-Cola! I have been drinking the stuff by the case load for the last four hours. I know the bottle says I should not exceed 60 mL in 24 hours BUT thats just a suggested serving size, like pasta! I don't think I've ingested this much cough syrup since the 7th grade winter ball! And that night was filled with magic: that pretty purple dress, the macarena with the soccer team,  my first slow dance with Krangdore, the troll king. Can't wait to see what magic tonight will bring. Im guessing something to do with hostess cupcakes and curry lentils!

Weight: 175


  1. Sorry to hear you are sick...but you are making great progress! One to two pounds a week is a very healthy way to do this! (At least that's what they say about losing weight -so the inverse MUST be true for gaining weight!) Can't wait to see your building girth!!!

  2. "my first slow dance with Krangdore, the troll king..." just made me laugh out loud all alone in my apartment.
