Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Lady's First Moo Moo

To celebrate my positive growth, I treated myself to an authentic, teal blue Moo Moo dress. Its vintage too, from the 1970s or something. AND its from Mexico! A Mexican Moo Moo, or as they call it, a Vaca Vaca.

Ever since my junior year of high school I have secretly wished to own a Moo Moo. It was all because of my silver-fox chemistry teacher, Dr. D. Boy was she strict! But as any lady who conquers in a man's field, she became one of my heroes. And did Dr. D love Moo Moos. Wore them every day. My favorite was this floor length paisley maroon number with lace on the short sleeves. The dresses were always paired with a droopy stocking and black flats. It was a look. And the way she commanded the room while we took word-for-word dictation of her formulas and experiments! That was confidence. Undoubtedly from those worn, pilling, synched fabrics.

It may be too soon in the game to be stocking up on Moo Moos, especially because there are entire collections of actual nicely designed, plus size clothing to delve into before I hit the tea cosy stage. But its definitely a stage I look forward to. iViva la Vaca Vaca!

Weight: 195

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