I never went to the meetings when I was in middle school. Firstly because I wasn't an official paying Weight Watchers member (I used the pamphlets and point books left over from my mother's trials). Secondly, as a young person with a preexisting geeky reputation, if word got around from mother to mother to son to daughter, middle school could have been made even worse.
Even worse than it already was!? No!
Yes! No way would I allow that to happen! So I tracked my points in secret. I didn't lose weight, but it did make me think about what I put into my mouth constantly! And there is nothing more exhausting on your guilt than looking up the points for Applebee's mozzarella sticks and virgin piƱa coladas from those crazy 12th birthday parties!
Now I have reached back into the hallowed, cobweb infested corners of my parents' attic to find those point books and pamphlets once again. So it didn't help me lose weight? Maybe it will help me gain weight! If I were looking to maintain my current poundage, I would be allowed to eat 20-27 points per day. To reach my goal of 470 pounds by the end of the year, I need to eat 100 points per day. That is totally less overwhelming to think about than ingesting 4700 calories per day! This week is my Weight Watchers trial week. Let's see how it goes! Maybe someday it will make me a cover girl!
Weight: 188
You are truly an inspiration to all of us gals with a few pounds to gain. You go, Natalie!