Clear your freezer; its Girl Scout Cookie time! Who knows what makes Girl Scout cookies far superior to every other kind of cookie ever. The quality? The flavors? The fact that you're buying it from a dated concept? EITHER WAY THEY ARE GREAT!
Let it be known that I was a proud Girl Scout all the way up until High School. We weren't the coolest troop in the community, but we were the laziest. I don't think I ever earned a single badge. We didn't play by the rules. Instead of learning to sew tiny pillows, we called into our local top 40 station to request some Amy Grant. Instead of hiking in our backyards, we went white water rafting. Instead of sleeping over at the Museum of Science, we slept over at a local gym/spa.
But one thing we played by the book was Cookie Time. And I took it dead serious. I'll say right off the bat that I was the number one seller in my troop for many years running. I'm not bragging, its just history. There was nothing like getting that winning commemorative t-shirt with a dandelion picture or stuffed Koala that turns inside out to become a globe. Of course I had help from my relatives who took orders in their offices, but I think the classic door to door was always the best strategy. I mean, who can resist? Its not like I was selling sharp, sharp knives. I always resented the girls who got to sit out in front of the supermarket or subway station. They made BANK. But you think those locations come cheap? Those troops always had some kind of insider connection to the big names in scouting. Sell outs.
Each year since I "became too old" for Girl Scouts, I have reminisced by gorging on the sweet morsels of greatness. This year I purchased 100 boxes. 50 Thin Mints, 20 Samoas, 10 Do-si-dos, 5 Tagalongs, 5 *new* Lemon Chalet Creams, and 10 classic Shortbread Trefoils (I know they are the sucky ones, but Grandma likes them). It put me back $400, but its worth it. I'll probably go through the boxes in a week or so, but I'll keep one of each in the freezer for when I need a fix this summer.
Weight: 198