Sunday, January 24, 2010

Staying on Track

The first three weeks of starting (or ending) a routine are the hardest. It took me three weeks to become a vegetarian back in 2006 and its going to take me three weeks to get used to my 4700 calorie a day diet. Yesterday morning started out rough. As I stood in front of my celling high waffle stack, I questioned whether or not to use real or fake maple syrup. Before I set my goal to fill my bed with my own huge self, I wouldn't have thought twice and gone for the real, 100% local goodness. Because of its own natural richness you can always use less than Butterworth's stuff. But at this point, I need to go beyond taste and reach for those calories! So I poured on the whole jar of food coloring and simple syrup, and topped it off with some wholesome pints of coffee flavored Brigham's Ice Cream- after all, I still want to support local businesses.

This morning I couldn't help myself and grabbed a bowl of muesli- bad choice! Too much fiber! So I threw my treadmill off of the Mystic River bridge to make up for it.

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